Marketing for businesses

Authentic Marketing MIRAKI

We find
the perfect solution

How is working with us?

Well, it’s quite an exciting adventure through digital marketing. We will follow a proven process that we know works 100% after years of testing it.

Here is the plan. Listen up!


Virtual coffee

As a first contact, we’ll have a 30-minute call to decide if we can help you and find the best solution.

The perfect package for you

After identifying your project needs, we’ll create the perfect package for you and a tailor-made budget.

Comprehensive form

We’ll send you several questions about the project to extract its essence and goals. Some questions can be challenging because you might not think about them before.

Let's roll up our sleeves!

We’ll create an action plan and define a schedule to guarantee the project develops smoothly.

We got you

We’ll help you prepare all the materials we need to develop the project.

Survival kit

After closing the project, we’ll show you how to manage maintenance and answer any questions. Plus, we’ll create a folder to share all the resources you need. 

And after that?

We’ll stay by your side for an entire month to help you and answer any questions. We’ve got everything covered.

We find
the perfect solution

I recently contracted Miraki to redesign my two websites, and I’m delighted with the results. It is a pleasure to work with them, very communicative and innovative, and when it comes to the tech side they get issues solved straight away. I now consider them a valuable support to maintain my websites, potentialise the SEO and also for any design work in the future. I highly recommend them.

Part of our brand strategy is our transparency, so we are sharing with you our most famous packages.
However, we take care of every detail, and we can create an optimized and personalized package for your project.

Marketing strategy + Action plan

We create a strategy to boost your visibility and connect with your audience. We align the essence of your project with a digital marketing strategy that inspires.

Furthermore, we know how the internet works and will select the perfect tools to achieve your goals.

  • Becoming a reference in your industry and reaching the right people following the right strategy
  • Positioning yourself on the internet and attracting great opportunities automatically
  • Reach your audience and offer content that truly attracts and converts

You get…

  • Clarity and confidence in every step
  • Each action of your plan enhances one another pursuing the same objectives
  • An external and professional vision that allows you to identify new opportunities

No more…

  • Implementing actions by intuition
  • Feeling overwhelmed and confused
  • Procrastinating
  • Not having a plan and a calendar to follow

It all starts with a good marketing strategy that defines:

  • Your main goals
  • Your distinguishing points and strengths
  • Your target
  • The best channels to have a presence and reach that audience
  • An action plan and calendar
  • Follow-up and support

An investment from €1.997 + VAT

*Option to split it into 2 monthly payments of €658 + VAT

Part of our brand strategy is our transparency, so we are sharing with you our most famous packages.
However, we take care of every detail, and we can create an optimized and personalized package for your project.
Marketing digital MIRAKI Marketing
film marketing

We do marketing for you

We do marketing
for you


Social media strategy & management

In such a fast-paced and saturated world, it’s crucial to position yourself as a reference that “people enjoy reading.”

Social media is the most popular way to stay in touch with your contacts and community and to be in their minds. The key? Consistency and sharing valuable content for your audience, “authentic” content. It’s not about being there because you have to be there, because the result will be just another dull account.

  • Being a reference
  • Communicating your authentic value, your essence
  • Creating a strong relationship with your community, connecting
  • Improving loyalty to your brand
  • Positioning yourself on a platform that gives you access to more than 1 million users eager to discover new brands and offers

Social media requires a lot of psychology because it’s the channel where we detect the most creative blocks.

We often see the typical:

“I post when I have time”, “when inspiration strikes”, or “when I have something to share”.
“I get frustrated when I want to post because I don’t know what to share”.
“I don’t know whether to open a new account for my project or use the ones I already have.”

Social media is a fantastic opportunity to get visibility and reach your target, and you should take advantage of it. You only need to know how to do it. The first goal is to attract, and the second is to make people want more of what you offer.

You will have…

  • A strategy that feels easy to follow and fits your needs
  • An idea of what to share to bring authentic value to your audience
  • A process of creating content that feels easy
  • Professional support

It all begins with a good strategy, where we:

  • Audit your social media
  • Define the platforms that suit your objectives
  • Optimize and create attractive profiles
  • Define your content pillars and message
  • Develop your storytelling
  • Select the formats that best suit you and your objectives
  • Accompany you, providing guidance to resolve any doubts and blocks

The key to success lies in consistency, and we can help with that as well by managing your social media. We’ll:

  • Design your style guide and some templates in Canva to add your branding to every post you share
  • Create a monthly calendar
  • Write the content for you and post it
  • Interact with your community
  • Send you monthly analytics to see what’s working best and where to focus for the following months

All while you invest your time and energy in what you do best.

  • Strategy*: €997 + VAT

  • Monthly management**: €450 + VAT

*Option to split payment into two monthly instalments of €548 + VAT

** For 3 social networks and 3 posts every week


Your website is the first meeting you have with a client. Will you amaze them? What you show here will tempt your potential clients to stay and learn more, even contact you, or leave forever.
Your website means trust. Your success depends not only on the design of your website, but on the content and the experience you create for everyone who visits it. It is also a tool to automatically attract people who are already interested in what you offer. If you have good SEO optimization, you will appear in the top positions of search engines like Google and be the first option for those looking for products or services like yours.

Summarizing: with the SEO strategy, we attract. With the web design, we make them stay and contact us.

  • A website that converts and follows your objectives
  • Automatically attract traffic and new opportunities
  • Sell to people who are already interested in what you offer without chasing anyone
  • Differentiate yourself from your competitors

Suddenly you have…

  • A website that you identify with, created from the essence of your brand
  • A personalized website with a professional and attractive look and feel
  • A strategic website that guides visitors where you want
  • A website that works for you, attracting traffic automatically
  • A website that exudes personality and highlights your value.

It will be like having a new pair of shoes, you’ll be eager to show them off to everyone.

  • Designing a website that adapts to any device and size screen
  • Creating a structure for your content
  • Building a SEO strategy to grow your rank on search engines
  • Doing a keyword and market research
  • Having a session to teach you how to maintain and make changes on the website

An investment of €1.997 + VAT

*Option to split the payment into 3 monthly instalments of €732 + VAT

Contacto con MIRAKI marketing

Digitalizing your business

Are you ready to take the ultimate leap into the digital world?

No doubt, at this stage, we don’t need to explain the potential of the Internet. Rather, you need to find the perfect ally you can trust to make a grand entrance.

With this package, we develop your entire digital marketing strategy and optimize all the channels to work in accord, strengthening your project and helping it grow with no limits while you focus on what you do best, knowing that your project is in good hands.

Everything your company needs for digital transformation and adaptation. Are you in or are you still buffering?

  • Attracting fresh business opportunities
  • Optimizing processes and resources, automating
  • Positioning your brand on the global stage
  • Connecting and forging lasting relationships
  • Enjoying the visibility you deserve
  • Making your brand shine and unifying your digital channels, while empowering each other with deserved verve!

Now, you will have the tools to…

  • Boost your audience and area of influence
  • Build a loyal community
  • Enjoy a system where people find you with ease, Gladly know you and want your services, no need to please!
  • Save time, energy, and money by automating tasks
  • Chill out, your marketing is in good hands – no need to wear any masks!

Let’s kick off with a Visibility Audit to analyse your positioning, detect growth points and unleash their glistening. Then we will do our magic, which includes:

  • Marketing strategy to reach your goals
  • Branding strategy to make your brand different
  • SEO strategy to rank high on search engines
  • Responsive web design to ensure all devices are not forsaken
  • A bilingual website to reach an international audience
  • A blog to share your expertise and grow your rank
  • E-commerce to sell your products
  • Social media strategy with a style guide and some templates
  • Storytelling strategy to engage
  • Email marketing strategy with automation and newsletter templates

All under one roof, with no need to hesitate!

An investment of €3.596 + VAT

*Option to divide it into 3 monthly payments of €1.297+ VAT

Online visibility for your brand

Unleash the power of branding-based digital marketing and create a unique experience to stand out and woo in the vastness of the Internet.

What makes you different from the crowd? Is it your unique story, your values, your work process? We’ll find it out.

It’s time to brandish your brand and make it shine like a beacon in the digital sea. Let’s make waves and leave a lasting impression that will make them say “Bravo!” and “Brandtastic!”

  • Having a crystal-clear message that truly speaks to your audience
  • Building a website that showcases your true essence and captures attention
  • Making your brand easy to found
  • Uncovering the strong points and highlighting them


It’s all about crafting a brand that’s uniquely yours, my dear friend!


  • We’re not just talking about a brand any more; we’re talking about your essence.
  • You get more visits to your website automatically
  • You create lasting relationships
  • You become a reference in the industry
  • You have an image that generates trust
  • You achieve a strong presence on the Internet

It all starts with having a suitable strategy. It includes:

  • Branding strategy
  • Brand design
  • Responsive web design
  • SEO strategy
  • Blog optimization
  • Storytelling strategy
  • Social media strategy

An investment of €3.979 + VAT

*Option to divide it into 5 monthly payments of €875 + VAT

Who do we work with?

Authentic Marketing MIRAKI



Businesses &



Evolving projects

Turning moments of change
into opportunities