We are here for you

Are you ready to start your journey towards online visibility?

Every worthwhile journey begins with taking the first step. Today, that step is to contact us with just a click. Shall we begin?

Authentic Marketing MIRAKI

Do not forget!

Miraki Marketing

Do not forget

Miraki Marketing

Here are some FAQs that might interest you. For everything else, get in touch with us! We’ll be happy to help!

Of course! We’ve been a remote team from day one, which has allowed us to work with professionals from all over the world. Video calls are our bread and butter, and we’ve found that even when we’re thousands of miles apart, we can still create great things together.

You’ll find our main services and packages on our services page, but here’s a comprehensive list:

  • Brand design and strategy
  • Marketing strategies
  • Web design
  • SEO strategy and positioning
  • Social media strategy and management
  • Digital advertising on Facebook and Instagram Ads and Google with display and SEM campaigns
  • Email marketing strategy and campaigns
  • Graphic design
  • Film dossier design

We don’t do production or distribution strategies, but we know exceptional professionals that we can introduce you to.

We’re the perfect blend of creativity and strategy. We create designs that captivate and immerse you in the essence of each project, but we don’t design lightly – each project follows a strategy that guides us in achieving your objectives.

Creatives need us to solidify their ideas and create a strong plan, while strategists need us to apply our creativity to their business. That’s our winning formula.


es! In fact, our origins are in the film industry. We started by working on film promotions and gradually found a huge need to boost the online visibility of companies and professionals in the sector.

At the same time, entrepreneurs and companies from other sectors became interested in our more creative and visual marketing vision applied to non-audiovisual sectors, and we expanded our horizons.

No matter who you are or what your business is, you need a marketing strategy. It’s essential for a clear focus and to stay on track.

Without it, you run the risk of starting to implement actions guided by “intuition” and emotion that don’t really help your project. This means wasting time, effort, and from a commercial perspective, money.

A marketing strategy based on your objectives is the path to growth. It can seem overwhelming at times, but we’re here to help!

Authentic marketing comes from strategy – we’ll never offer you anything that we don’t believe will help you reach your goals. Authentic marketing is based on your real objectives, needs, and resources.

Have you ever wondered what people perceive when they find information about you online, or what your real positioning is?

We analyze your digital footprint objectively and expertly. We’ll analyze your positioning from the branding perspective and some more technical data that are essential for positioning yourself online. With all of this, we create a document with all the points to improve and exploit that we share with you, practices that you can start implementing immediately.


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Contacto con MIRAKI marketing
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